What exactly is web hosting? Once your web site has been built it needs a place to live. Lemoneye have their own web servers securely housed in a state-of-the-art datacentre. Our servers are connected to the internet with multiple points of connection, yet are secure and have uninterruptible power, meaning that your web site will constantly be available for your customers.

How much does web hosting cost?
A quick look around the internet will reveal a multitude of companies offering hosting, and a huge range of costs and options. Our standard hosting package includes up to 2Gb fast web space with unlimited bandwidth. This specification is more than adequate for most web sites, and we can offer a platform that supports PHP, HTML, and various popular packages such as WordPress.
The cost for hosting starts at just £200 per annum including an SSL (to secure your site), and this price includes a basic level of telephone support.
If your requirements are for something requiring much more power (perhaps a site with particularly heavy traffic), we can also offer bespoke, dedicated servers.
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Lemoneye Ltd
33a High Street
East Sussex
TN21 8HU
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01435 868606
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